Call of Duty 2 Maps

Carentan2 PFB Carentan2 PFB Monday 15th 1903 March 2021 | 7.520,5 kB
Carentan in der Version von Pfb
Carentan2 Mythicals Carentan2 Mythicals Monday 15th 1903 March 2021 | 9.616,7 kB
Carentan2 in der Version von Mythicals
Pirates Pirates Monday 15th 1903 March 2021 | 16.176,9 kB
Nein, nicht der Amiga Klassiker, sondern eine Szene aus dem Fluch der Karibik. Die Piraten belagern die Stadt - halt Sie auf! Oder bist du Ruffy? Dann leg die Festung in Schutt und Asche.
Pavlov Pavlov Monday 15th 1903 March 2021 | 8.330,3 kB
Map: mp_Pavlov (Pavlov's House)
Gametypes: DM, TDM, CTF, HQ & CTF

Author: Drofder (=Alias=Drofder /
Email: Please obtain from readme.txt (for anti-spam purposes)
Websites: / /

Release Date: 18th January 2007
Development Time: Too Long

Credits / Acknowledgements
Infinity Ward - Without them, there would be no game and without them this map would not exist in this form.
Clan Alias - Without the 2 years of playing Pavlov with them, I would not have made this map.
CoDJumper - Simply for being an amazing community =]

SSHawkeye (IWN) - For his initial support for creating a PTRS-41 (which was eventually not used, sorry)
CJ_LUKE - For porting the original PTRS-41 model over at a moments notice.

Everyone who took interest over at the IWN - Without the support, I may have given up wink.gif
A future thank you to anyone and everyone who downloads, plays, hosts this map.
(If you feel you deserve a little recognition, please email me)

Known Issues
- Side entrance to basement of Pavlov's house awkward to enter (although possible).
- Similar to hole (above the bath) on the first floor.
- S&D objectives very bright and low quality skin.
- Slight modifications to lighting needed.
- No portalling in current version.

Installation & Permissions & Disclaimer
- Place the IWD file in your MAIN folder.
(Default: C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\Main\)

- Do not modify or add to the contents of the IWD file.
- You may distribute the file via any means you wish, but under no circumstances should the files be used for profit.
- Do not contact Activision or Infinity Ward for support regarding the map (contact me).
- If you wish to distribute the files, then all files must be included in their original form (including this readme).

I am in no way responsible for damage of any kind due to inappropriate use of the files.
Vossenack Vossenack Monday 15th 1903 March 2021 | 8.766,1 kB
Karte mit explodierenden Fässern, benutzbarer V1 und anderem Schnickschnack

Map Name                 : Vossennack, Germany
Consolenname             : mp_vossennack

Map Version              : Final 1.0
Author                   : Private Grob
E-mail                   :
Date of Release          : 23.08.2006


Game                     : COD2 Multiplayer

Supported Gametype       : Deathmatch
                         : Team Deathmatch
                         : Search & Destroy
                         : Capture the Flag
                         : Headquarter


Installation Instructions:

     copy the mp_vossennack.iwd into your " of duty2/main/" Folder.


The following Foren and their Community  :

Thanks for Betatesting    : BountyHunterCgn
                                         : LordHelmchen
                                         : Ultrakrass
                                         : Dangermaus
                                         : Odin
                                         : Thor
                                         : Stute
Special Thanks:
To for the frog Xmodel
Visit us und our Server:
Server IP:
Private Grob                                
bp_haguenau bp_haguenau Monday 15th 1903 March 2021 | 13.313,5 kB
Map and skins made By Vetter

A litle help from:
Alt+f4 and Condion

This map was Made for The Breaking Point Community

|  Vetter's Contact info  |
|xfire: swatcorv          |
|aim: swatcorv            |
|msn:  |
[email: ]<Business only plz

|             Breaking Point's info               |
|Website:                          |
|Public Teamspeak: Pw: bpcod2  |
|Public and Battle Server:    |
[Other Public and Battle Server:]
|  Alt Internet Services Info   |
|Website:        |
|email:       |
[email:          ]

Band of Brothers
Haguenau, France

Gametypes Supported
dm, tdm, hq, sd, ctf

How to install:

1. If you dont have winrar please get it. Just google it.
2. Extract all .iwd files into c:/Activation/Call of Duty/main folder

Have Fun!!!!                                                              
¬ Alt Internet Services
¬ Breaking Point Community
Bergstein V1 Bergstein V1 Monday 15th 1903 March 2021 | 21.067,7 kB
MAP: MP_bergstein Version 1

COnverter:Lasticot (


Nice snow map with Axis against American in Normandy, this map support dm / tdm / ctf / HQ
but she did support SD because to had SD to a map we nedds the SDk :-(
this map will run on not dedicaded server or dedicated server

Game types:
dm / tdm / ctf / HQ

Place zzz_mp_bergstein_v1.iwd in your game's "main" folder.

COnverter<<<<<<<Lasticot (SYfer)
Tilly-sur-Seulles, France Version 1.1 Tilly-sur-Seulles, France Version 1.1 Monday 15th 1903 March 2021 | 16.417,0 kB
Tilly-sur-Seulles liegt 10 km nördlich von Villers-Bocage in Frankreich 
und ist  Mitte Juni 1944, nach schweren Gefechten, von den Alliierten zurückerobert worden

geschichtlicher Hintergrund:
Am 10. Juli wurde die Abwehr im Raum Tilly-sur-Seulles mit den vollständig eingetroffenen Verbänden der Panzer-Lehrdivision organisiert.Die Sicherungslinie war gleichzeitig Hauptkampflinie:Das Gelände von Tilly-sur-Seulles war für die infanteristische Verteidigung nicht günstig. Die Grenadiere konnten sich wegen des steinigen Untergrunds nur ungenügend eingraben. Nach einem Granathagel ging es los: Britische Panzer rollten an und wurden durch herbeigerufene Panther und 8,8cm Geschütze bekämpft. Die Engländer antworteten daraufhin mit einem Artillerieüberfall mit schwersten Kaliber, darunter Schiffgeschütze. Am 11.7. erfolgte der englische Grossangriff.

zur Version 1.1:

-2bugs gefixed
-alle Spieltypen
-historisch Korrekt British vs. German
-spawns gefixed
-new grid

Tilly-sur-Seulles ist eine "all Weapons-map",
sowohl Nahkämpfer als auch Sniper/Rifler kommen auf ihre Kosten!
MoH Bridge Nacht MoH Bridge Nacht Monday 15th 1903 March 2021 | 10.036,1 kB
Die berühmt-berüchtigte Medal of Honor Karte Bridge in der [EUMC]Sharky Version.
Auffälligste Änderungen gegenüber mp_bridge:
Nacht. Straßenlateren bringen ein wenig Licht in die düsteren Gassen.
Türen Benutzbar, Fensterscheiben etc. gehen zu Bruch.
Der Fluß hat jetzt wieder Wasser :)
Mehr Spielmodi unterstützt.

Readme und Credits:

Map Title : MoH, The Bridge 2
Map Version : 1.0
Author : [EUMC]Tam & [EUMC]Sharky
E-mail :
Website :


Game : Call of Duty 2

Supported Gametype : Deathmatch
: Team Deathmatch
: Capture the Flag
: Headquarters
: Search and Destroy
: Objective
: Round-Based

Map Size : 8-16 per side
: 16-32 Deathmatch


Installation Instructions:

Place the mp_bridge2.iwd file into your cod2 main directory.
Be sure to remove any previous versions of the map.

You can turn the working doors on or off by using:
set scr_bridgedoors "1" or "0". (default is "1", on)

This map is designed to have the axis attacking from the truck on
S&D but because the stock S&D isn't coded correctly this won't work
without a mod that fixes the code (currently BJustReal does and
maybe others). For people without the fix, however, I've added the
cvar scr_bridgeattackers which defaults to "allies". This is a
workaround and places the allies as attackers at the truck but is
not how the map was designed.

If you have the gametype fix then you should add:
set scr_bridgeattackers "axis"

to your config or in the console and the map will function as
intended. (gg infinity ward)


Content of this Package : mp_bridge2.iwd (the actual map)
mp_bridge2_readme.txt (this file)


Custom Content : Textures
: Shaders
: Audio

Known Bugs : The spawn scripting in the stock S&D is poorly
done and as such doesn't allow for the proper
switching of axis and allies as attackers and
defenders. This is a problem with the stock
game files and not this map.

All other gametypes should function correctly.


Special Thanks :

Thanks to the guys at RnR projects for their great work.
Also thanks to all the contributors at modsonline and


Additional Notes :

CFT and HQ were a last minute addition since I don't play them
myself. As such they're not fully tested and I'm not sure how
the map will actually play with them. I do, however, suggest
turning off the working doors for more fluid gameplay on these


This readme file was generated at

Visit for custom game content:
Downloads, Projects, Forums, Tutorials, Videos, Reviews, News, etc. November 22, 2006

Depot cod2 Depot cod2 Monday 15th 1903 March 2021 | 7.809,5 kB
Construction Time       = 7 Days (not including fixes)^M
Custom Content          = Textures^M
Known Bugs              = All known bugs fixed^M
Past Bugs               = Floating crates in british garage, two ways ^M
                          of getting out of the map, very edge of roof^M
                          at british spawn accesable, missing textures^M
                          on south side of plantform that holds the^M
                          big water tanks, streched textures on pipe,^M
                          swastika ban in germany so takin out, skybox^M
                          was to small and a roof had been cut off.^M
Credit to Authors^M
        Creater:|EHD|SevenSniff^M                       ======================================================================^M
Additional Notes^M
        1. Mp_Depot was originally made by Infinity Ward/Activision for ^M
        2. Scale of map is close to original but smaller slightly.^M
        3. Full Compile was used to get best outcome.^M